Stephen and Jacob ran in the Gnat Days 5K Run in Camilla, Georgia this evening. This was an unusual race as it was run on a Friday evening at 7 pm. Most of the races take place on Saturday mornings. The overall winner of the race was a kid from Bainbridge, Georgia named Kyle Harris. Kyle is 15 years old and I think his time was around 17:35. His 9 year old brother, Caleb, won the 10 and under division with a time of 21:15. Their mom, Julie, came in third in her age group. This is a picture of 3 of the 5 members of the Harris family. We stayed and talked to them for quite awhile after the race. They are a very nice family! 

The overall female winner is the lady in the white hat and black athletic top (the sports bra looking shirt). I think her name is Mary Anne Grayson. Before the race I told Stephen to line up next to her and run her pace. I gave him that advice because she finished just behind him in the Palace Saloon race and just ahead of him in the Rose City Run. The advice turned out to be well founded. With about 100 yards left in the race Stephen was about 15 yards behind Mrs. Grayson. About 50 yards before the end Stephen turned on the burners and caught up to her. I think she heard him coming as she turned the burners on herself about 10 yards before the end and beat Stephen by a step and a half. Stephen finished 5th overall and 1st in his age group. Jacob finished 35th overall and 5th in his age group.
Stephen and Jacob prior to the race

Is this hop scotch or a 5K?

Kyle Harris pulls away from the Masked Avenger.

Stephen with about 100 yards left in the race.

Here comes the Jake. He ended up beating that kid.
Now for the trophys and medals.