Statcounter Robbins Running

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Provo, Utah Race 2010

I am writing this post near the end of our trip to Utah, 2010. While in Utah Stephen, Jacob, Caroline and Kappy were able to run in races with some of their aunts (Jamie and Lisa), uncles (Richard and Robby) and cousins (Ashlee and Zickety Z). You can check out all the race results here. Enjoy the pictures.
Provo Run

Monday, August 2, 2010

Benjamin, Utah Race 2010

I am writing this post near the end of our trip to Utah, 2010. While in Utah Stephen, Jacob, Caroline and Kappy were able to run in races with some of their aunts (Jamie and Lisa), uncles (Richard and Robby) and cousins (Ashlee and Zickety Z). You can check out all the results here. Enjoy the pictures.
Benjamin Run